Tuesday, April 03, 2012

New Novel is Now Published.

From the back cover: "Like nearly all of Blasini's writing, the novel OF MEN AND MAGGOTS is a thinly fictionalized autobiography, filled with a cast made of the author's real life friends, lovers, and fellow travelers. Narrated by John Poston, one of Blasini's alter-egos, OF MEN AND MAGGOTS is a cross-country odyssey that brings out the junkies, hoodlums, prostitutes, sexual perverts, and thieves crawling in the back alleys of the world. OF MEN AND MAGGOTS composes a very tough, yet very funny narrative of two friend's adventures with drugs, homelessness, and lifeless romance.

OF MEN AND MAGGOTS is hard, derisive, inventive, comical, serious, poetic, and ineradicably American - a fast paced, quirky work in which you are not permitted to laugh and yet, at times, will find yourself doing so."

People have inquired what is it like. Like? I answer, if Gus Van Sant raped David Lynch in the ass while reading Kerouac's On The Road, this novel would be the result.


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