Hot Wind through Black Trees.
Old friend visits from Los Angeles. Homophobic but a junky. Play tour guide, whorehouses, seedy bars, a macho goose in the doorway, faces hidden in darkness and confusion, a whore with clown makeup winks so nasty. Smoke. Reggaeton blasts over speakers. Cocaine is bought. Pile into a taxi. Weed is bought. Walk through evil dark barrios. Crystal is bought. Large amounts of liquor is consumed. A sinister midget laughs through silver teeth. Smoke. Flashbulb of light. Mucho machoism. Drunken insults to the natives, fists and knives are present. Whack! Pound. Pound. Pound into someones head. An Angel falls a victim. Crack of bones and a bird screams. My friend is swarmed over, a dark mass of fists and kicking cowboy boots. Smoke. Flashing light. Light flashes on a knife and my friend goes down in a pool of blood and spit. Silver teeth show through snarled lips, "Vamanos, gringo."
Dragged across flagstones, reggaeton wails. Shoved into black car and speed off into the night. Air filled with the smell of burnt oil and marijuana. Coffee is shoved under my nose, pills are put into my mouth and I look up to see Saul wiping a wet and bloody hand towel across my forehead with red scraped knuckles. Saul lights a cigarette and places it in my lips, blood trickles out of his nose past his split lip. Looking around, I am back home.
"Damn. That was close." I croak.
Just another night in Tijuana...
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