Saturday, November 08, 2014

like magic

I spend my nights hunched over the keys of my laptop, tap, tap, tapping away. Words flow out of me faster than I can type them, but I try to keep up.
Tap, tap, slide to a new line.
With every new page comes a new adventure, new sights and experiences that only I can bring. Page after page, I write. Year after year, I excel.
Tap, tap, slide to a new line.
I weave my stories layer by layer, twist after tragedy, tragedy by twist. Casts a spell. Images spill from my mind onto the page. Ink envelops white in a warm embrace.
Tap, tap, slide to a new line.
The images lie in wait on the pale screen until eyes slide over them like warm butter on toast, then explode in the mind’s eye like fireworks. Vivid and bright. Altered, yet intact.
Tap, tap, slide to a new line.
Bringing with them sound, taste, smell, and touch. Maybe even confusing those senses in favor of a better picture. That’s what it’s all about. Brilliant and pure. Like magic.

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