Friday, February 20, 2009

Because we'd like to know.

I received the proof of my novel today in the mail. It looks great!!! Besides some slight grammatical errors - it looks like Just for Kicks will be published on time for early March. I was shooting for late March/beginning April - but I am happily ahead of schedule. Wow! Three years writing has come to fruition - my first novel.
Too bad nobody is going to read it.
Welp, I have started on a second with the title Tweeker. Back in the middle '90's, I had worked graveyard shift at a 24hr porno theater in skid row San Diego - this was before the current urban renewal. This was at the height of my drug addiction. And, O! the wackiness that occurred! So, that's the next novel - just light summer reading, you understand....

1 comment:

Awen said...

It's looking good!!