Thursday, January 12, 2012

Nobody cares.

I have spent my time frustrated and unfulfilled. Happiness is something found within and I found happiness long ago. I’ve had various beliefs regarding my purpose. I’ve spent time searching for answers. I’ve spent time lamenting. I’ve spent time only surviving. I’ve spent time attempting to improve my capabilities. I’ve pursued hedonism. Sadism. Atheism. Christianity. Buddhism. I’ve acquainted myself with history’s great philosophers. I’ve searched for peace; peace of body and of mind. I’ve pursued social sciences. I’ve searched for understanding. I’ve searched for truth, riches, knowledge, companionship and love. I’ve hunted and been hunted by time. Reputations won and lost. I’ve confronted my fears. I’ve attempted communication with equals and unequal’s. I’ve tried drugs and sobriety. Rituals and prayer. I’ve looked for kindred spirits in literature and speech. I’ve attempted honesty and treachery. I’ve been myth. I’ve been legend. I’ve been invisible to the world and to myself. What I’ve found to be consistent, dependable and unavoidable in this world are violence and fear. They are the ultimate powers that conquer all others. Love being the ultimate power is a rumor. Love is strong and can overcome much adversity, but the blind, incommunicable sweeping force of fear and violence yield to no power. All the love in the world is eschewed and trampled upon in a moment of rage and confusion. I got it now. I’ll figure it out. I accept it. You win. Call me, please. You know where to find me; I’ll be in the light, sans sunglasses, offering you a smile that’s indistinguishable from joy and disappointment, waiting for the ride; or, perhaps, waiting for the ride to stop. I suppose you were right all along and that’s why this occurred. I apologize. Let’s fix this. Finally, inevitably, indubitably yours…


Marv said...

Yeah, I never for a second bought into that whole "flower in the barrel of a gun gonna stop a bullet" bull crap.

LMB said...

I am not one to turn a cheek, either.

Skippy said...

I think someone needs a hug.