Unfortunately there was a snag - the coach, as explained to me by three sweaty yet rightly sociable hobos bumming around last station of the city bus, they were north bound to Orlando - unfortunately, since I started so late and it already around nine at night, I would have to wait until 5:30am manana to board the bus to the Keys. Quite confusing, no?
Well, the wind up was - I was stuck in the middle of BFE on some Key and spent the evening sprawled out on the sidewalk, huddled next to my bag with chiggers and mosquitoes as comrades. Out of the windy shadows of the black trees, I was approached a small mysterious person - I really couldn't pin point the gender of this confusing gnome. He/She spoke of girls and titty bars that Key West has - but he/she struck me also as an old woman wearing a baggy t-shirt and pajama bottoms.
After he/she and I smoked and chatted - I just mucked around, dozed off a couple of times, swatting at skeeters under that big white luminescent moon. I lay there gazing at the myriad stars - wondering where my place in this Universe was - if any.
5:30am rolled around and I jumped the Key West bus driven maniacally by a grinning wizened hippy - across that giant bridge that spanned forever in glooming predawn darkness, we made it to Key West in no time flat. Wondered aimless for awhile - fatigued, hungry, sore - looking for that goddamn shelter. I stopped at a Marriott Hotel to ask directions to Patterson Ave. from the nervous paranoid Front Desk Clerk - I guess I did look a little scary. Was happy to find out I was a block away from my destination.
On my last leg, I sat outside the large two storey wood frame house until a kindly caseworker came out and invited me in. He processed me and welcomed me to one of the most laid back, comfortable shelters I have ever been in. I think I will stay a bit...
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