Friday, October 28, 2011

It's a Love Thing.

Kissing is man’s greatest invention. All animals copulate, but only humans kiss. Kissing is the supreme achievement in the Western world. Orientals, including those who tended the North American continent before the ravagement, rubbed noses, and thousands still do. Yet despite the golden fruit of their millennia—they gave us yoga and gunpowder, Buddha and corn on the cob—they, their multitudes, their saints and sages, never produced a kiss. The greatest discovery of civilized man is kissing and I do cherish it.


Miriam and Hormoz said...

and if you combine it with some kind of hug you get an explosive mixture;)

Hetero-Challenged said...

I'm pretty sure "Orientals" didn't get kissing from Western civilization. Though I've never read it, pretty sure the Kama Sutra had some kissing positions...I don't think anyone reads the Kama Sutra as perform it...

I don't really know what to make of this post. Racist? Imperialist? Stupid?