And so, the story so far...
Checked outta that ratty hotel and shuffled down to the spanking, brand new bus terminal that the taxes of this backwards ass town forked out - never saw so many slack-jawed sullen citizens, never saw so many flat asses and pot bellies (Two years prior, El Paso was voted the fattest city in Texas - now, there's an award!). Took the chugging bus over that hill and walked from the stop down that Walk of Shame to the El Paso Rescue Mission. Once again. Sigh.
Still there, still sad , that beat, squat puke colored dilapidated structure frying in the oh so bright desert sun. In the back, still the rugged, frazzled assortment of bearded gaggle of transients common to this region. Drunks, junkies, insane screaming up into that brilliant blue sky so vast it knocks you on your ass.
Sat smoking and was confronted by handsome teen beat looking blond boy until he opened his mouth and issued forth a stream of crazed unintelligible gibberish. His wires have been pulled, that brain has been short circuited beyond repair.
Ate the slop during chow and chatted with fellow hobo's and a couple of known faces from that fallen past. Around eight that evening, issued ratty blanket, pillow, and sheet and spent the night on the chapel floor swatting bed bugs and mosquitoes amid farting and snoring of about six stainky assed bums. Didn't sleep.
Next morning, interviewed in process by old caseworker friend Diego - knew him since whenever, ya know - and from tattered nerves I bust out in fatigued tears confessing and admitting I am truly fucked up in the mental department. In hushed tones that one speaks in when talking with the insane, Diego said he would contact the local nut house and I would receive any assistance I required. (The previous night, for some stupid reason, I contacted that asshole father of mine - assistance denied and decided that evil, bitter old monster is dead to me. Really, no need for him any longer from now on out)
So, wasted the afternoon walking around Nacotown and I swear,if I receive a 'Huh?' as the answer to any more simple questions I pop at the population here, I'll spit bile.
Example: Standing outside the mission, a Ford truck pulls up and a snaggle-toothed yet pleasant woman notified me that she had wanted to donate some food and clothing. I march into the building and say to the burnt simpleton hag working the reception, "Excuse me, there is a person here that would like to deliver donations."
"Huh?" She hissed, eyes unfocused.
Thinking quick, I replied, "Thar be a donation out front yonder."
"Oh!" She perked up, reaching for a mike attached to the mission's PA system. "Let me call for volunteers to help unloading that."
You see, in my travels it is necessary to know how to speak with the natives in their regional dialect.
This stupidity continued seven other times throughout the day in different locations through out downtown. Seriously, there are some dumb fucks here.
Ran into my old friend Bubba - a notorious black queen, he was accompanied by a rentboy, they both there for dinner - and I gave him a signed copy of my book, since he is in it.
That evening, I was assigned a bunk in the dorm - quite comfortable - and slept from seven that evening until the mandatory wake up at 5:30am the following morning.
Yeah, I guess I can mope around until the third of next month until I head off to New Orleans or just settle for a while in an apartment here in El Paso. I just hope my patience can hold out with these locals...
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